APIS SRI Consulting Service shows how well your building is prepared for future needs

Chart the possibilities and limits of your current building technology How smart is your building? How can you make it more cost-efficient and sustainable? More than 40% of all final energy consumption is used in buildings. As a result, up to 30% of a peoples’ carbon footprint is based on the use of buildings. At the same time, we spend more than 90 % of our time indoors which leads to a logical assumption that building functions and properties should be built for people’s well-being and quality of life.

Thus, the smart building should e.g. improve the user experience, increase user information, enable informed and fact-based decision-making, improve resource efficiency and participate in the operation of a decentralized energy system.

For you the easiest way to find an answer to these future needs is APIS SRI Consulting (SRI = Smart readiness indicator), which analyses your current situation and defines the optimal next steps to maximize your property value, create a sustainable energy system and society while improving reliability and flexibility of your building operations through integrated solutions.

Improve your fact-based decision making process and real estate strategy

The analysis indicates the smart readiness level of the building. As part of the APIS SRI Consulting process, the EU beta testing method will also be piloted, (which has been developed in the context of the amended Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD, 2018/844 / EU)). The achieved results are presented as part of the report.

In addition to the current status analysis, APIS SRI Consulting service includes target level definition and clear short- and long-term plans on how to increase the intelligence of your building and to maximise real estate value.

The process consists of five steps:

  • Identifying the future needs through user interview(s).
  • Determining the technical current state (including 9 modules with 7 impact categories) and their digital capabilities.
  • Comparing the target level and the current situation to achieve future value and define a high-level smart building strategy.
  • Creating a schedule for the most significant investment needs makes it easier to plan the investments in the annual budget plan.
  • The results of the consultation are reported and classified into three functionalities:
    • readiness to facilitate maintenance and efficient operations
    • readiness to adapt in response to the need of the occupant
    • readiness to adapt in response to the situation of the energy grid

Make your buildings smarter with a long-term partner

By choosing APIS as your partner for this journey you get:

  • A pre-defined smart building process: Ensure that your target level can be achieved in reality. Choosing a partner that can help you in every step of the process is the best way to guarantee maximum return on your investment.
  • A holistic solution: Our solutions cover the entire lifecycle of a building with cutting-edge technological capabilities ranging from devices to digital systems.
  • Sustainable value: We view SRI as the start for a partnership where we commit to delivering business results throughout the lifecycle of your building. This includes optimal indoor conditions and short ROI and high IRR through maximum energy savings. To maximize value, we measure and commit to success together with you.
A building is not smart if it does not make people’s activities and use of resources smarter. That is why a long-term partnership is the best way to meet future needs, implement the improvements and guarantee the value of your property throughout the lifecycle.
