Consulting for EU Projects

APIS ESCO has the experience and knowledge necessary for the preparation and implementation of projects financed from EU funds in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, and can help prepare a quality application of such projects to relevant EU funds, which are in line with strategic guidelines and thematic goals of EU financial perspectives.

Some of the projects that have been implemented or are currently being implemented by CIP-IEE:

The GreenBuildingPlus-CIP-IEE (2005-20007) (below bold-link to website 7.1) project actively promotes the results of energy efficiency projects in buildings.

BioSolESCO-CIP-IEE (2008-2011) (below bold-link to website 7.2) the project focuses on energy services and ESCO companies in order to increase the use of biomass and solar energy for heating larger buildings in the private and public sectors.

PERMANENT-CIP-IEE (2009-2011) (below bold-link to website 7.3) the main goal of the project is to contribute to the popularization and acceptance of measurement and verification of savings and to encourage a general understanding of energy savings.

SUNSHINE-CIP-ICT (2013-2016)(below bold-link to website 7.4) Smart Urban Services for Higher energy Efficiency (Smart urban services to increase

EnU ) A2PBEER-FP7 (2013-2017) (below bold-link to website 7.5) A project in which integration affordable and adaptable innovative technologies with energy efficient solutions to access the renovation of public buildings.

TRAP-EE-LPP (2013-2015) (below bold-link to website 7.6) Training of operational staff at the building level on energy efficiency.
