If you want to maximise production time and reduce plant maintenance costs, you need to increase the
predictability of maintenance and eliminate unplanned downtime. To achieve these goals, rely on
proactive industrial maintenance expertise.
Uninterrupted production through comprehensive plant maintenance
A flexible maintenance partner can guarantee high-quality, safe and uninterrupted production of e.g.
food, chemicals, energy, medicine or wood products. Preferably a partner that can work on sudden
repairs, daily maintenance and long-term development projects as this helps collect all the information
and experience together and leads to better results – and less management overhead.
We are solid partner that can help solve any of your industrial maintenance concerns. Our 30
professionals in Kosova, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and overseas maintain plants in all
branches of manufacturing as well as energy generation and distribution.
We can also handle full outsourcing of plant maintenance, which enables you to focus fully on your core
Examples of industrial maintenance services and solutions at your disposal:
- Process electrification, automation, instrumentation and commissioning testing (IO-testing)
- Electrical heat tracing, frequency converter maintenance, calibrations
- PED-compliant work, including special grade welding and orbital welding
- Valve, pump, fan, cooler, compressor and gearbox maintenance
- Mixer, conveyor and tray feeder maintenance
- Heat exchanger and reactor maintenance
- In-service leakage sealing and gasket manufacturing
- Turbine oil systems maintenance, analysis and cleaning
- Machining and workshop work
- Technical measurement services, e.g. vibration measurements, thermal imaging and compressed air
- surveys
- Digital and smart solutions such as IoT and AI.
Using our extensive expertise, latest tools and digital solutions, we will increase the predictability
of maintenance in your facility. This proactive approach to industrial maintenance eliminates unplanned
downtime and increases the productivity of your plant - get in touch with our industrial maintenance
experts to discuss your specific requirements.