Health & Safety

Ensuring the safety of our employees, partners and clients is an inherent part of everyday life and management across our group. APIS’s management and all employees are committed to complying with, maintaining and developing common safety rules. An excellent safety record is a competitive asset and also a sign of quality of APIS’s operations.

We aim to ensure that all of our employees have the skills necessary for the safe performance of their own work and take safety as their personal responsibility.

We take every accident seriously. All accidents happening to our employees and subcontractors are immediately reported and inspected, in order to identify their reasons and learn from them. In cooperation with our clients, we systematically intervene whenever we notice safety-related shortcomings or neglect. The Group Management Board of APIS reviews all accidents in their monthly meetings,analysing the root causes and agreeing the corrective actions.

The key reactive and proactive performance indicators in safety and monthly reporting of safety issues are part of the management’s agenda at all levels.

Focus on proactive safety work

Our goal is to become an accident-free workplace. We focus on preventive safety work: Safety starts with the right attitudes, anticipation of risks and the active reporting of safety observations.

Our active safety work and attention towards safety issues has produced results and good development continued in 2017. In December 2017, the accident frequency rate (LTIFR rolling 12 month) was 5.7 (2016: 6.3). During the year, there were no fatal accidents. The sick leave rate (hours of absence/hours worked) remained on same level as in 2016 (4.1 %).

We aim to develop our safety culture by increasing safety observation reports and became better in utilizing the reported information to improve our working environment.

In our employee engagement survey 93 % state that they feel free to discuss work safety hazards and safety issues openly, this shows we are on the right track.

We aim to increase the share of occupational health and safety-certified operations in our business. In 2017, 91% of our revenue came from OHSAS 18001-certified operations (2016: 92%) We prevent occupational accidents by, among others:
  • providing job orientation and general and occupational-specific safety trainings
  • conducting regular safety audits and inspections
  • encouraging our personnel to report safety observations and assessing risks before starting work.
  • developing tools and work ergonomics
  • conducting safety rounds and safety meetings at work sites by our supervisors and managers

Cooperating with partners and clients

Occupational safety is important at all of our client sites. However, the risks associated with it are particularly high in properties and industrial plants where work is performed in varying conditions. These include ongoing and interrupted production, fault situations and temporarily bypassed protective measures, and facilities that require special safety plans, such as nuclear power plants and process plants.

A safe working environment is created in cooperation with our clients and partners. We insist upon strict compliance with safety instructions. This applies to our employees, subcontractors and partners alike. In addition, we require all of our employees to use and wear protective equipment and clothing at all of APIS’s work sites.
