Installations and maintenance of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Get your EV charging station up and running faster
The alternative fuel vehicle market has been steadily growing. To build the necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles, thousands of charging points are installed in cities every day. As the number of EVs is rising fast, your building’s users are likely to demand charging points.

Besides growing demand, regulation is also pushing for more charging stations. The EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive governs that member states must set minimum requirements for the number of Electric vehicles charging stations in buildings. 

Professional installations from an experienced partner

Installation and maintenance of charging stations requires extensive technical expertise and certified experience. We help you with the entire process, from early planning, coordination with equipment supplier, upgrading of power intake and to a pre-installed solution that suits your needs. Our deep technical expertise ensures their optimal cooperation with the electricity network and infrastructure as well.

In the last 50 years, CO2 emissions have increased dramatically. In our industry, we can make a significant contribution to combating the climate crisis, and APIS is building up its services accordingly. By facilitating smart and sustainable buildings and cities where people are productive and prosperous, we will meet the needs of the people living now, without ruining future generations.

E-mobility is an important part of smart and sustainable cities and is in line with our focus on sustainability and strong expertise in smart technology.
